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The importance of recycling machine

Join Date:  2017-03-06

Today, recycling grows increasing more important as it helps us preserve the planet's natural resources and protect it from too much waste. We use paper on a daily basis, through mail, notebooks, books, magazines, newspapers, paper towels, and paper and carton packaging. All this paper will end up as waste, unless recycling mills recover them and turn them to paper products again. Therefore, recycling machine is very important. Let us see concrete condition of recycling machine.

? In a paper recycling mill, multiple types of recycling machines help complete the recycling process. Each machine has its own role (pick-up, sort, pulp, filter, de-ink, bleach, make paper) in the recycling process and becomes interconnected by conveyors that transport the paper from one step (machine) to the other. Each type of recycling machine plays a key role in the recycling process. Without any of them, the process cannot be completed. The machine types vary according to the role they have in the recycling process: pick-up trucks, the sorter (a big spinning cylinder), the pulper (a big vat full of water and chemicals), de-inking machine (large vat called flotation cell), refining machine, bleaching machine and paper machine.

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