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Main Classification of Plastic Bag Making Machine

Join Date:  2022-05-17

    Plastic bag making machine is divided into heat sealing hot cutting bag making machine and heat sealing cold cutting bag making machine. What's the difference between these two bag making machines? As the name suggests, look at cutting and sealing. The difference between heat sealing and cold cutting bag making machine and heat sealing and cold cutting bag making machine lies in the last cutting. Heat sealing and hot cutting bag making machine is to heat seal first, reheat and cut, and finally heat seal and seal. Heat sealing and cold cutting bag making machine first uses a knife to heat seal, and then uses a cold knife to cut, but it does not seal, so it opens.

     Plastic bag making machine is divided into single bag making machine and continuous roll bag making machine. Single bag making machine produces bags one by one, such as T-shirts, shopping bags and flat bags with or without holes.

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