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How to use transparent tape packaging machines

Join Date:  2017-03-06

Scotland packaging tape machine,  packing machine allowing you to remove the heavy Scotch Packaging Tape, on the one hand, leave the other hand

Holds the object, your video, stability, or to repair any errors, your tape. Deal with drinking fountains, lifting the lid

And placed in the tape volume, or removal of the old roll, once it is spent. Use as a simple packing of the goods drinking fountains.

1.Lift the lid, and to ensure that there is a packed rock band. End of the tape should have been sent before the opening of

Cover, insist on down toward the handle.

2  Paper bag machine close the lid. Handle packaging machines, and open the package of local, you have to start dispensing tape of the tape


3The3Draw packaging machine smoothly back to you, rolling along the surface of the recording. The tape will be exempt from

The introduction of pipe rolling mill, you can use your hand and smooth the tape in front of the recording surface of

Machine to ensure a smooth recording.

4  Bag making machine pull the machine handle at the same time you cut the ribbon in front, once you reach the surface

Recording the end.

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