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Glue and binding in paper bag machine

Join Date:  2022-04-28

[summary description] the binding and gluing parts of the paper bag machine are on the spine and side, and the hot melt adhesive used is also different. For example, the properties of the two are also different, and the hot melt temperature is different. It is very important to master whether it is appropriate for the quality of gluing and binding. The high temperature of the melt adhesive will make the melt adhesive too thin and the viscosity insufficient, and the high temperature of the melt adhesive will make the glue too thick and unable to penetrate and flow, Some will be attached to the ridge or side surface in small granular blocks, which will wrinkle the cover and empty the ridge.

   The gluing part of the paper bag machine is on the spine and the side, and the hot melt adhesive used is also different. For example, the properties of the two are also different, and the hot melt temperature is different. Whether it is appropriate or not is very important for the quality of gluing and binding. The high temperature of the melt adhesive will make the melt adhesive too thin and insufficient viscosity, the high temperature of the melt adhesive will make the adhesive too thick and unable to penetrate and flow, and some will be attached to the spine surface or the side surface in the form of small particles, which will wrinkle the cover Empty ridge. It is worth mentioning that at present, the properties of hot-melt adhesives produced by different manufacturers are also different (we have such experience from actual use). Taking the hot-melt temperature of hot-melt adhesive as an example, some side adhesive temperature is 120 ℃, the hot-melt temperature of spine adhesive is 135 ℃, some side adhesive hot-melt temperature is 180 ℃, and the hot-melt temperature of spine adhesive is 200 ℃. Therefore, in use, we should master the appropriate process parameters according to the performance of the material in order to ensure the gluing quality. Generally, after gluing, the width of side glue coverage should be 4mm ~ 5mm, and the spine glue can penetrate and fill the milling ditch. When the gluing is uneven, the gluing is too thin, and the supporting plate of the cover covering paper bag machine is not replaced according to the regulations (or the height position is properly adjusted), the books after gluing are prone to empty ridges and wrinkled backs. This must be controlled and checked in the process of rubber coating.

   The finishing of paper bag machine before gluing is a process that can not be ignored in the whole process of wireless binding. If the paper bag machine enters the plastic bag without finishing in the finishing process, there will be many kinds of bad quality problems after the plastic bag, such as off page, loose page, empty ridge, wrinkle ridge and so on. Finishing is to bind the semi-finished Book stickers, put a certain number of book stickers on the binding machine, quickly block the two ends with plates, start the binding machine, compact the loose Book stickers and then bind them with ropes. In order to make the compacted spine stiff and solid, after compaction and binding, apply polyethylene glue on the bound back of the book. After the polyvinyl alcohol glue is dried, loosen the binding rope, and then separate each book and transfer it to the glue bag.

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