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Efficient absorbent raw material for food packaging

Join Date:  2017-03-06

Absorbent pads are already well-known and widely used within the food industry. They are placed between the product and the tray to absorb exudates in order to optimise packaging conditions. Technical Absorbents Ltd (TAL) has developed a highly innovative and efficient absorbent raw material – OASIS Super Absorbent Fibre (OASIS SAF) – that can be incorporated into the fabrics used for production of food pads. The versatility of SAF allows fabric constructions to be designed, which absorb and lock away excess liquid from the food stuff within its core. This helps keep produce fresher for longer. Its non-migratory properties mean that the fabrics can be cut and shaped as required to suit the type of product and the packaging that is being used. Regulated by the US-Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it can be used as a fluid absorbent in food contact materials in the packaging of fruit, vegetables, poultry, meat and fish at refrigerated and frozen temperatures. Dave Hill, business development manager, TAL, said ''OASIS SAF? provides the ability to produce extremely discreet absorbent food packaging materials that exceed industry requirements. It can be processed through all of the key nonwoven manufacturing technologies.''

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